#29 Broken Wing Call Butterfly  
When a trader has a market neutral assumption but wants to eliminate any risk of a rally, the Broken Wing Call Butterfly might be the best strategy for this type of directional assumption.  In this webinar you will learn how to determine the right strike location, the correct environment, and the optimum expiry. You will learn all of these major details which will increase the probabilities of success with the Broken Wing Call Butterfly. 


Join Eric "The Wolfman" Wilkinson, former Chicago Board of Trade floor trader and 25-year professional trader, as he explains how traders of the Broken Wing Call Butterfly can capitalize on a stock that is looking to stay in a tight range for the foreseeable future but has no risk to the upside. Eric will show the correct way to trade the Broken Wing Call Butterfly to reduce market risks and increase your likelihood of success.





About Eric "The Wolfman" Wilkinson


Eric Wilkinson is a veteran floor trader and has been trading financial futures, commodities, stocks, stock indices and options on a variety of products for over 25 years.


You may recognize Eric from CNBC and Fox Business News where he has done commentary.


Watch this!He has been sought out by several media outlets to debate against some of the brightest minds in the industry, where he debates on topics ranging from economics, geopolitics and market directions.


He is most notable for his comments in Rick Santelli’s “Rant Heard Around the World” where he was the first to use the phrase “moral hazard” in connection with the Feds actions surrounding the financial crises of 2008.


Mr. Wilkinson is a professional Trader and he is also an educator with He began his trading career while earning his Finance degree at Ball State University. After graduating, he moved to Chicago to work on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade where he honed his skills as a trader.


If you are a new trader or have several years of experience and would like to be mentored by Mr. Wilkinson, you can join him for his online classes and webinars by going to He can also be found on twitter @wolfmansblog for his snarky comments.





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